
EPOS 2025

Sustainable Initiatives

Focus on being a "green" congress

Attending congresses can have a bigger impact on the environment than we might realize. From energy use to travel emissions and waste, traditional events often leave a large ecological footprint. That is why we are focusing on sustainability initiatives to minimize our impact, making the EPOS Annual Meeting greener than ever. 

Here are the EPOS 2025 sustainability initiatives:

Sustainable venue

The EPOS 2025 Congress will be held at the Pierre Baudis Convention Center, which operates sustainably and is ISO 20121 certified, ensuring reduced environmental impact and a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility.

The venue takes a careful approach to waste management, from the sorting bins to the skips where they are disposed of. During set-up time, electricity is kept to a minimum. In operation, the lights in the halls are LED. Their various partners apply eco-responsible approaches in their sectors (signage, catering, furniture, etc.), whether for their products or their travel.

As a young company (Toulouse Congrès has been managing the Pierre Baudis Convention Centre since July 2023), these initiatives are constantly evolving and progressing.

Digital alternatives

We are paperless! No printed programme or abstract book – everything will be available through the conference app.

Eco-friendly signage

Wherever possible, we will use electronic or pre-existing signage at the venue

Sustainable badges

No plastic sleeves. Badges will be printed on recycled paper and only on demand.

Recycled key hangers

Delegate badge key hangers will be made from recycled materials.


We only have digital e-posters instead of printed paper posters.

Tree planting

The winner of the Charity Run will be honoured with the opportunity to plant a tree.

Recycling materials

All materials used by the conference are recycled, such as paper, plastic, metal and other recyclable materials 

Walkable hotels

Recommended hotels are within walking distance of the venue.

Public transportation

We encourage all participants to use public transport. Free passes will be provided for all attendees. Find more information by clicking on the icon.

Minimizing food waste

Food waste is minimized by decreasing catering orders with 5-10% - accounting for no shows and participants only being present for part of the conference

Green-certified congress organizer

EPOS 2025 has partnered with CAP Partner, a Green Tourism Organization-certified congress organizer. Learn more by clicking on the icon.